Wrigley lived with his human family, along with his Mom, a Miniature Pinscher and his Dad, a Pomeranian. They had a long life with their family as Wrigley was 15 years old and his Mom 16 years old when the three of them were turned into the local Animal Shelter. The...
Adopt A Senior Pet Month
In a recent petfinder.com survey, their shelter and rescue group members reported that older pets have the hardest time finding homes. It's a sad reality that these great animals are often the last to be adopted from shelters. However, November is Adopt-a-Senior-Pet...
Choosing the Right Vet
Is your senior dog getting the best care? Choosing the right vet is key in keeping your senior dog happy and healthy. Whether you currently have a vet or you're looking for a new one, senior dogs need special attention, and as they age, their needs change. For...
Marlie – with attitude
Marlie is a handsome Toy Australian Shephard with attitude!!! He came to HWAH along with his house- mate, Dixie when the Sisters they had been living with for 10 years were being moved from their home base and they could no longer keep the pups. Marlie and his...
2019 Combined Federal Campaign
To all of our supporters who work for the Federal Government, did you know that you can donate to House With A Heart through the CFC (Combined Federal Campaign)? Help us fulfill our mission to Love Them For A Lifetime by signing up to support us through this campaign!...
What’s Cooking at HWAH?
Our volunteer, Michelle makes this every week. Ground hamburger or chicken– browned with a bare touch of garlic powder Then rinsed to get out all of the grease Then she puts it in the Food processor with any kind of yummy steamed vegies She dumps the whole...
Joie’s Story
Joie’s Story!! To tell you about Joie, first I have to tell you about Dolly. Dolly was the last gift to me from my husband Joe. He took me to Frederick on Valentine’s weekend in 2008 to pick up this little black poodle ball of fluff. He asked me to name her Dolly...
Rocky – the full story…
Rocky’s full story …………………. 2018 has been another amazing year at HWAH. We are now in our 12th official year as a non-profit caring for Seriously Senior and Special needs dogs and cats. With your continued support we have been able to save 12 seniors this past year...
We Can Do This!
We wanted to share this update we posted on Facebook with you... A note from Sher- HELP!!!! I desperately need YOUR help!!! and this time it is not about silliness like how to not eat too many ice cream sandwiches or which way the paper towels should roll!! I would...
PayPal Online
Ways to Donate to House with a Heart: Via Check: Mail to House with a Heart 6409 Stream Valley Way, Gaithersburg MD 20882 Online Via PayPal: Click to donate: Thank you for your interest in supporting HWAH... If you do not have a PayPal account, you can set one up at...