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Support House With A Heart
K-9 & Kitty Medical Miracles
Our K-9 and Kitty Medical Miracles Program provides senior and special needs dogs and cats with necessary medical care to prepare them for adoption or foster care.
Feed Fido and Fluffy HWAH Pet Pantry
The “Feed Fido and Fluffy” HWAH Pet Pantry helps needy families, seniors and disabled folks feed their pets during these challenging times.
Faith’s Fund
In honor and remembrance of our beloved resident pup Faith, we established “Faith’s Fund” to provide medical care for our senior dogs and senior cats as well as our special needs dogs who have a good chance of continued quality of life.
Adopt A New Family Member through a Partner Rescue
Jerry – ADOPTED!
Sammie – ADOPTED!
Hansel and Gretel
Rufus – ADOPTED!
Daisy – ADOPTED!
An Inside Look at House With A Heart
This video from National Geographic shows a behind the scenes look at the Sanctuary and how Love Lives Here!
House With A Heart News
Faith Loves Mama Harriette (Gone but not forgotten)
Faith was a tiny little poodle that came to HWAH from Caroline County Humane Society. She had been found in a ditch and was extremely emaciated and in very poor condition. We were fearful at first that she wouldn’t survive her terrible ordeal but after several...
Together Fur Ever – Peanut & Monroe
Happy Valentine’s Day! 💖 We join Monroe and Piper in sending love your way and hope you have a fun day celebrating! We hope you've enjoyed Valentine's messages from the HWAH gang these past few days. Our pups always love receiving gifts from our Chewy Wish List, so if...
Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, We love Peanut
Roses are red, violets are blue, we love Peanut and know you do too! If you want to share animal love with friends and family, we hope you’ll share this House with a Heart Valentine! Peanut and all our senior and special needs residents always enjoy gifts from our...