Piper update: 2/10/16

Feb 10, 2016 | Blog

We truly have the most amazing volunteers!  Because of the responsibilities of caring for all of the pups and kitties at the Sanctuary, it’s very difficult for Sher to leave the house, even to visit her babies in the ICU.  It breaks her heart but she has a secret weapon- our volunteers, who selflessly act as her eyes and ears on the outside 24/7!  Here’s what two of them had to say about Piper’s condition.

Wendy: “Harriette and I went to visit Piper yesterday early in the day.  We both brought chicken so she has enough for now!  We were able to take her to the quiet room for a while.  She started getting too active so we had to bring her back.  She is still receiving fluids so we did not want her to get down and start walking yet.  She seemed to be in very good spirits and was happy to see us!”

Rich: “I was with Piper for an hour last night.  When I left her at about 8 PM she as pretty much back to normal!  Out of the ICU, sniffing, looking, if I had put her on the floor she probably would have run around!  The tech gave her a treat and she gobbled it down.  At 6:30 she had eaten chicken mixed with a special liver diet.  The tech said she may be able to come home today, otherwise one more day.”

We will keep all of you posted as more information comes in about Piper’s condition. Thank you to all of you for your support and love!