Piper’s Story – Special not Senior

Jul 3, 2019 | Blog

Piper’s Story…  Piper is an example of House with a Heart helping not a Senior dog, but a Special Needs dog.  Here is her story..

Piper’s beginnings were not so bright and hopeful – she was only 6 pounds at 6 months old in early 2016 and came to us for hospice care.  She was not thriving and her Vet recommended euthanasia. Our job was to love her for as long as we could and then let her go…..and that is what she has been doing ever since she arrived at HWAH…. Going and going and going – just like that Energizer Bunny!!!

It was touch and go in the beginning with lots of Vet visits and lots of medications and special care, many frightening stays in the ER….but once this little girl experienced the crazy love that everyone at the Sanctuary had for her she didn’t dare leave us. She is full of beans and is animated, spirited and lively and when she is not bouncing around she is snuggling and giving licks and LOVE.

But recently, Piper suffered another major medical issue:  Intervertebral disc disease (IVDD) is a condition where the cushioning discs between the vertebrae of the spinal column either bulge or burst (herniate) into the spinal cord space. These discs then press on the nerves running through the spinal cord causing pain, nerve damage, and even paralysis

Between Tuesday May 28th and June 1st, many of you keep faith with us while we waited for the diagnosis and then surgery that would begin to affect the cure. Her current status is looking good, but long term,  she must be kept in an area of 4’ x 4’, walked with a harness leash, and NO Contact with other dogs for potentially 3 months. 

This in addition to the normal post-surgery restrictions of no jumping on furniture, and keeping her calm and quiet and contained.  We will also being watching her surgical site, and keeping up her post surgery medications. We have made adjustments at HWAH, even recently taking the feet off of one of the couches so Piper can “visit” with other calm dogs