2016 Challenge: Share Your Heart and Save A Senior!

Jan 3, 2016 | Blog

HWAH web

Challenge Highlights:

  • Save an advanced age end-of-life dog or cat
  • Listen to a personal message from HWAH Director Sher Polvinale
  • Read success stories posted on our blog and our dedicated Facebook page
  • Send your stories and photos to [email protected]
  • Detailed information on the Challenge appears below!


Welcome to our challenge to Share Your Heart and Save A Senior!

Our 2016 challenge to our friends, supporters and Facebook followers is unique and goes above and beyond the noble decision to adopt a senior dog or cat. This year we challenge you to adopt an advanced age END-OF-LIFE pet – those animals who are near the end of their lives and have a slim chance of adoption when they enter a shelter. The end-of-life dog or cat could also be a younger senior who has a terminal condition that dictates the need for end-of-life care. Please help these animals spend their final years, months or days with the love, care, comfort and dignity they deserve – become an HWAH Sanctuary of My Own.


What are the requirements?

A strong heart – for while you will have the unconditional love of your end-of-life pup or kitty, you will also have the heartbreak when it is time for them to “Cross the Rainbow Bridge.”

Patience – for all of the spills, accidents, doggie diapers, and other special needs of a senior dog. Just like all elderly beings approaching the end of their life, the things they will need you for the most are the basics they can no longer do for themselves.

Expense – the cost often required to keep your pet comfortable in his or her final days, this might include food, a comfortable bed, some pain relief medication and maybe even some Rogz dog collars although it is likely that a dog coming towards the end of it’s life may no longer be able to handle long walks or if it does, will stay by your side.

And last but not least, a warm lap and wide open arms for all of the snuggles and warm kisses you will get from your new best friend. The reward of giving a senior pet the comfort, love and dignity they deserve at the end of their life is immeasurable!

We’ll be posting stories here and on our dedicated “House with a Heart Sanctuary of My Own” Facebook page, featuring folks who have taken a chance and brought an end-of-life rescue into their homes. Please read the inspiring stories and to help us spread this important message.

We’d love to hear from you and feature your story about an end-of-life dog or cat adopted in 2016! Please send us a photo of you with your new dog or cat, describe what helped you decide to bring home your special friend, and how your life is changing to [email protected].

For those who cannot personally take in an end-of-life pup or cat – please give! Give your time, your support and your unique talents to help people and groups who provide support to end-of-life animals. If you cannot adopt a pup or kitty now but would like to adopt an end-of-life pet later on, please contact your local shelter and ask to be put on a list as a potential adopter for an end-of-life senior.

To hear a personal message about this Challenge from HWAH Director Sher Polvinale, please click here to view the video posted on our YouTube channel.

Are you up to the challenge? Remember, we want you to be able to say with us, “Love Lives Here”!