“Go For The Win” – Piper

Jul 13, 2020 | The Sanctuary

Piper came to House with a Heart as a special needs pup, and without the necessary medical funds, she would most surely not be around today. Thanks to the awesome medical teams we are able to work with and donations from YOU, our supporters, she is a happy and active pup who brings joy to everyone she meets!

We want to continue to help senior and special needs dogs and cats through our K-9 & Kitty Medical Miracles Program. We established this program three years ago to help senior animals by providing necessary medical care to make them adoptable from shelters and to get them into their local rescue or a new forever home.

Working with 18 rescue partners across the U.S., we helped give a second chance at love and a good life to 51 senior dogs from shelters to date  And we want to give a second chance to even more dogs and cats this year and beyond!

So please Click to Donate  and help Piper “Go For The Win”!


Piper’s beginnings were not so bright and hopeful – she was only 6 pounds at 6 months old and came to us for hospice care because she was not thriving and her Vet recommended euthanasia. Our job was to love her for as long as we could and then let her go…..and that is what she has been doing ever since she arrived at HWAH…. Going and going and going – just like that Energizer Bunny!!! It was touch and go in the beginning with lots of Vet visits and lots of medications and special care, many frightening stays in the ER….but once this little girl experienced the crazy love that everyone at the Sanctuary had for her she didn’t dare leave us. She is full of beans and is animated, spirited and lively and when she is not bouncing around she is snuggling and giving licks and LOVE.