Fostering and Fospice at HWAH

Apr 17, 2021 | Blog

House with a Heart Happenings!

HWAH is always looking for ways to be able to contribute as much as we possibly can.
We believe there is good in the world and we to strive to BE THE GOOD!!!

Which brings me to Fostering!!!  This year we increased our commitment to saving more seniors and special needs pets by fostering for some of our Partner Rescues. At House with a Heart, we call it our Buster’s Buddies program.

Check out the stories and pictures below of the Fosters and “Fospice” pets we are currently helping at House with a Heart.

Won’t you open your heart and your home to new ways to say “Love Lives Here” and “Kindness Counts” by joining us in the foster effort as a way to save even more pets in need?


 Pets we are Fostering for LovePaws: 

Bubba, Smoke and Minnie are looking for their special people.
If you are interested, visit (  

Most recently we accepted AJ who has gone through so much in his 11 years. He has faced so many challenges and has a bit of a road ahead of him before totally trusting people. At HWAH we love them just the way they are so no worries there.

Fospice at HWAH for LovePaws

FOSPICE!!! Thank you to LovePaws for saving 15 yo Precious and 14 yo Short Stuff and allowing HWAH to love them for the time they have left. We said goodbye to Cookie, but we are still filling our hearts with love for Russell.
Join us in the effort to save more pets by fostering for a rescue near you!!! Hugs and HOPE!!! XXXOOOsher

Pets we are Fostering for PetConnect
Cleo and Remie
We have just accepted two sweet senior kitties, Remie and Cleo, to foster for Pet Connect (
We are enjoying watching these kitties become more and more relaxed and know they will finally find their own special families.

Pet we are Fostering for Master Rescue
In April, Master Rescue ( ) partnered with HWAH to save a little 11 year old Westie – who we are calling Bella!
 Bella has some serious health challenges and we are hopeful that with good medical care, lots of nutritious healthy food and tons of LOVE and attention that she will thrive and that Master Rescue will find her a wonderful home. Bella is a delight!!!

Are you ready to become a Foster Parent? Here’s how:

Thanks to you we reached our goal!  Total donated with matching  = $ 25,175.