It's Day 3 of our "12 Days of Christmas" series and today we provide holiday cheer by featuring "The Many Faces of...Ciroc!" This 13-year-old boy is tall, lean, lanky and loveable! He came to HWAH with his mother, Bella and brother, Hudson, after their owner died....
The Many Faces Of Tillie
Our "12 Days of Christmas" series continues and we hope to bring you holiday cheer by featuring "The Many Faces of..." our sweet HWAH pups! 🐶 The Many (Adorable) Faces of HWAH Resident Tillie! 🐶 Tillie is one of our special needs pups. She was paralyzed and came to...
The Many Faces of Piper
Welcome to our "12 Days of Christmas" series - bringing holiday cheer featuring "The Many Faces of..." our sweet HWAH pups! Today, we start with fan-favorite Piper! Piper’s beginnings were not so bright and hopeful – she was only 6 lbs. at 6 months old and came to us...
House with a Heart 2024 Calendar – Available Now!
It's HERE! The 2024 House with a Heart Senior Pet Sanctuary annual calendar is available for sale! Check it out and orders yours today! All proceeds directly benefit the pups and kitties at House with a Heart! House with a Heart 2024 Calendar As an added bonus, you...
Fostering Kitties at HWAH
House with a Heart Happenings! HWAH is always looking for ways to be able to contribute as much as we possibly can. We believe there is good in the world and we to strive to BE THE GOOD!!! Which brings me to Fostering!!! This year we increased our commitment to...
Girl Scouts – Silver Award project benefits HWAH
What does the Silver Award mean in Girl Scouts? Going for the Girl Scout Silver Award—the highest award a Girl Scout Cadette can earn—gives you the chance to show that you are a leader who is organized, determined, and dedicated to improving your community. Recently,...
Message From Sher
It's a bit early, but I hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving and that you are looking forward to a joyous Holiday season topped off with a New Year full of exciting possibilities and happiness. 2023 has been a productive year at HWAH with an incredible Team of...
Food for thought and your pets
Food for thought…and your dogs. The pet food market is a $26 billion industry and growing. It used to be that your only choice was store bought pet food, but not anymore. From home cooking to home delivery options, seems people will stop at nothing to spoil their...
Maryland Charity Campaign 2024
📣 The Maryland Charity Campaign is going on now 📣 If you're a Maryland state employee or retiree, you can make a donation to House with a Heart (#20-5291492) via the Maryland Charity Campaign. This year's campaign runs from October 2 - December 11, and as always,...
Adopt a shelter pet month – October
🐶🐶 Did you know October is Adopt a Shelter Pet Month? 🐶🐶 If you aren't able to adopt a new furry friend this month, there are still many ways to help! 🔹 Share Your Adopted Dog Story: hearing about your experience may be just the catalyst that encourages someone else...