The Many Faces of Bella

Dec 20, 2023 | Blog, The Sanctuary

🎄 Thanks for reading our “12 Days of Christmas” series, highlighting our wonderful HWAH pups and kitties!

Today, we feature adorable Momma Bella! Bella and her two sons, Hudson and Ciroc, lost their home when their owner died. They were scheduled for euthanasia when someone called the Sanctuary to see if we could take them. We made room for all three senior pups with just hours to spare. At 15 years old, Bella has some heart issues and a bad back that requires daily medication and physical therapy as needed. But Bella is still a spry little pup and dances for all her meal times! She is often the first one out the pet door for playtime in the big grassy yard. We couldn’t be happier with our gang of Chihuahuas and are delighted to have them spend the rest of their years with us here at HWAH!

To help support Bella, please click here:Sponsor Bella

As always, please only give if you are able. Thank you for your support and generosity!