Thanks y’all

May 16, 2024 | Blog, Shout Out

Donating is one of those touchy subjects.  No one likes to ask for money, but everyone knows most non-profits are always looking for support.  And we are no exception…

But today, at House with a Heart, we want to say a BIG Thank You. 

Thank you to all of our regular supporters who have setup recurring donations on PayPal (via our website) or with their banks.  Every $ 5, or $ 10, or $ 20 coming in each month makes such a difference to us.  We are truly grateful and blessed by your support.

We also get donations in honor or memory of friends, family, or pets that have crossed the rainbow bridge.  We often have folks designate us (in lieu of flowers) when a loved one passes.  Those friends and family are very generous in their donations on behalf of the lost loved one. Thank you for sharing.

Something more recent is fund raisers on Facebook by supporters in lieu of Birthday Gifts, with all of the donations coming directly to HWAH.  People are very generous, and we are always thrilled to be chosen. Your gift is appreciated!

The other folks we want to be sure to acknowledge and thank are those who from time to time just put a check in the mail or donate online to support House with a Heart.  Your gifts always seem to come at just the right minute…  You are another of our treasurers.

It all adds up and helps with the medical, food, doggie treats, supplies and well-being of all of the Residents, Buster’s Buddies, Forever Fosters, and even our temporary visitors.

Thank you is not enough, so let us add, Gracias, Merci Bien, Grazie, Danke, Arigato, Mahalo, and for anyone we missed, Thanks y’all…

House with a Heart – Support HWAH