Senior Pet Care: Happy Cats?

Jul 3, 2024 | Blog, Helpful hints

Is My Cat Happy?

Happy cat body language

A slow-moving, lightly-swishing tail or an upright tail.
Upright ears.
Slow blinks and winks.
Softly pawing for attention.
Pushing their head or face into your hand.
Rubbing against you.
Relaxed body posture, loafing, or kneading.

Unhappy cat body language

Tail lashing or thumping
Pinned ears
Wide eyes with dilated pupils
Swatting you away
Walking away or hiding
Puffed-up fur or twitching skin

Samantha Bell, is a cat behavior expert at Best Friends Animal Society. Bell says that cats definitely have their own love language when it comes to expressing and feeling loved.

So taking the time to learn your cat’s love language can make you and your cat happy.

#HWAH #SeniorDogs #SeniorPets #HappyCat