Senior Pet Care: Arthritis In Older Dogs: Everything You Need to Know

Jun 16, 2024 | Blog, Helpful hints

Arthritis In Older Dogs: Everything You Need to Know

The main symptoms of the onset of canine osteoarthritis are fairly generalized:

Overall stiffness
Difficulty getting up in the morning (or after a nap)
Overall ‘slowing down’, less interest in walks/games
Reluctance to get in/out of the car or up/down from sofa
Lameness or a limp (may well be intermittent early on)

Your senior dog might not show signs that he’s in pain, at least to begin with, so it’s important to be aware that the symptoms above could mean that his joints are starting to deteriorate.

Do you have a Senior dog with these signs?
🐾 Let’s make sure our furry friends are living their best lives in their golden years!