Munchkin – Memorial

Munchkin came to HWAH when she was found as a stray kitty. Since Munchkin only had 3 legs we wanted a special home for her. When our volunteer Siggi lost her beloved cat of 19 years, Sweet Pea, she was looking to foster a cat that would sit on her lap and keep her company. Munchkin fit the bill and went to live with Siggi in 2010. She is a lively loveable girl that loves to sit atop her 3-tiered cat perch, in her bed in the front bay, or on the ledge of the back windows. She recently came back to live at HWAH and now enjoys time with the kitty pack.
She was in kidney failure and once she completely stopped eating we knew the downfall would be slow and painful, so we let her go peacefully before she felt any worse. She is the last of our kitties and will be missed tremendously.
Munchkin crossed the rainbow bridge on April 14th. Although Munchkin is no longer suffering and in pain, our hearts are hurting knowing we won’t hear her loud and hungry meows, her 3 legs thumping on the hardwood floor, and just knowing she’s upstairs in her favorite spot, relaxing in a beam of sun light.(April 14, 2024)