Our fundraiser at the Olney Winery is just few days away!
It’s going to be a fun evening of wine, desserts and a special guest, Patti Kerr signing her new book!
We are very excited to share a partial list of some of the items that have been donated for our Silent Auction at the Olney Winery “Sips for Senior Dogs IV” Fundraising Event Sunday, October 15th – 6 to 9 PM. Last auction bid will end at 8:30 PM, bidder must be present, and must pay at the end of the auction (we will have card readers available so you can pay via credit card, check or cash).
As you can see from the logo’s below, local business have been very generous – we have gifts cards for everything from dining out to spas to date night!
#1 Gift card Halloween bag #1 – Value $200
#2 HWAH dog lovers #1 – Value $250
#3 A Dollop of Color portrait – Value $285
#4 Gift card Halloween bag #2 – Value $200
#5 Date night – Value $280
#6 HWAH Dog lovers #2 – Value $250
#7 Wine gift basket – Value $175
#8 Alexa Show and WYZE camera – $150
#9 OneLife Fitness 1 month membership – Value $150
#10 Bird Lovers – 2 pictures and a $50.00 gift certificate to Backyard Naturalist – Value $100
So, if you don’t have your tickets yet, now is the time!
Buy your tickets here: https://www.olneywinery.com/events/house-with-a-heart/
October 15th from 6 – 9pm at The Olney Winery in ASHTON, MD. The Winery moved from Olney to Ashton, so be sure you have the correct address!
52 Olney-Sandy Spring Road Ashton, MD 20861 301-570-1907 [email protected]
We are really looking forward to seeing friends, supporters and volunteers for the first time since 2019!
If you can not attend and would like to support the Sip For Senior Dogs Fundraiser, click here:
https://housewithaheart.com/about-faiths-funds/ and mention Sip for Senior in the comments.
And Thank you for your support and generosity!