Giving Tuesday 2024

Giving Tuesday is a global day of giving that kicks off the charitable season, and a major fundraising event for nonprofits worldwide.  We know there are so many wonderful organizations you can donate to on this day of giving, and we will be so honored if you count us among them!

The virtual event will be held Tuesday, December 3rd and we’re excited to participate again this year. The theme of our fundraiser is “New Beginnings”

Please know we realize these are still trying times, so only participate if you feel you are able. 

Here at HWAH, we continue to live our mottoes that “Love Lives Here” and “Kindness Counts”.  And it goes without saying, all of the wonderful work we can do is possible because of YOU, our generous and faithful supporters!

Please Save the Date (Dec. 3rd) and join us to help make a difference in the lives of senior and special needs pups and kitties!