
Mar 18, 2025 | Blog, Shout Out

There is a saying – “In a world where you can be anything, Be Kind.”

At House with a Heart, our director Sher is always quietly doing random acts of kindness. I asked her recently about a charge for grooming for “Heidi” since we don’t currently have any residents by the name.

Here was her reply:

“Heidi is a Good Karma case – her Owner lost her home and is staying with a friend and cannot have the dog – she has housing starting on April 2nd and should pick up Heidi then.  She is a little 6 pound poodle and needed a haircut – we wanted to give her and her mom a nice treat for the upcoming warm weather!”

So today, as you go about your daily life, please look for opportunities to “Be Kind” since we all know “Kindness Counts” and at House with a Heart “LoveLiveHere”