Our sweet and affectionate Sissy is 12 years young and weighs about 15 pounds. She is a low maintenance kind of gal.
Sissy is a friendly dog. Shes happy to greet humans and solicits pets. She also seems to like every dog she has ever met. Sissy enjoys the companionship of other dogs so much that she requires one to be in her adoptive home.
Sissy is an active lady that likes her walks and enjoys exploring new routes. She is also a great traveler in the car. She would be a great cafe or brewery dog. She enjoys going places and investigating new things .she has good manners. She is content hanging out at a cafe and/or brewery and watching the activities of both people and dogs. Of course she also enjoys going for car rides just to get a pup cup!
She is independent to do her own thing and quiet when left alone. She is house trained. She is in good health and recently had a dental surgery.
Sissy enjoys her outdoor time. In addition to walks, she enjoys lounging on a deck or sunbathing in a yard.
Sissy is affectionate with her humans, but not needy. She is content in your home office supervising your zoom calls or you may find her lounging on the couch basking in a ray of sunshine.
Sissy is a sweet and easy going dog that would appreciate the calm but full life that you give her. She can live in a home with older, respectful children.