Candace – ADOPTED!

This week has been a pretty quiet one for Candi. We did not get out as much as we normally do, not because of Candi but because of the rainy weather.  My 2 just stand there, door open wide just looking at me. Not Candi, once I put her raincoat on – out the door we go! She is a good walker and moves down the sidewalk at a good pace. She loves to meet people and their 2 and 4 legged babies. Her little tail gets going and you can tell how much she loves the attention. She is so well behaved and calm that it doesn’t take long for people to approach her. Even the little kids… because she’s so calm and happy they aren’t afraid of her.

Candi does not give kisses much but she does likes to lick you. Whether it’s to say she “loves me,” or to get my attention, or because I taste good I’m not sure. She is not a slobber-er or has bad breath so it does not bother me at all. She is truly such a well behaved sweet girl, just wished she wouldn’t look away when she sees the camera!