
We just welcomed sweet 15 year old spayed female poodle Lila. She is fostered with another dog and is doing well. This tiny baby was surrendered to the shelter with another senior poodle who unfortunately passed away while in the shelter. Lila lost her hooman family and her companion in such a short period of time. As soon as we heard about her, we secured transport and got her out of the shelter and on her freedom ride.
Lila was so yucky so we got her a good scrubbing and found her the finest blue sweater to get cozy. She had a good nights rest (with the exception of one heartbreaking screaming fit at 3:30am), and a mighty good breakfast. She is a busy bee and even jumps on the couch and uses stairs by herself. Her nails, fur, and skin still need some help. She’s like a little doll until you try to wrangle her – she is fast and she does excellent circle spins! She even ate the world’s largest piece of freeze dried chicken without any hesitation. Lila is quite photogenic and friendly and quite the celebrity whereever she goes! Lila Vuitton ! Very respectful. Very demure. Very fancy (feet)
Lila gets all glammed up and she’s looking and smelling FABULOUS. Her little fur is so soft. What a star!
Update from foster mom: She was surrendered with another dog, but she could do fine as an only dog. She only does well with a passive, older, smaller dog. She is a boss baby, so it has to be a dog that’s not reactive and won’t bump into her/run around all crazy. She will bump it out of the way for pets and treats occasionally. She will bark/growl to get space or if she feels threatened. Loves her food, giving kisses, and snoozing. She can walk for miles! She loves good exercise. She does have a heart condition and takes Vetmedin every 12 hours. She is a little wobbly on her legs, but really does great. She is peedpad trained, but will potty on walks. We diaper her when she’s crated or in bed with us at night because she can’t jump down on her own. She’s doing really well and is just such a sweetie. She has only 4 teeth, but will still crunch and chew treats!